Censortec, Alfco and Cormac Tagging have joined forces in a new strategic partnership to offer Irish Farmers the complete solution in Animal Monitoring , Animal Drafting and Animal Identification.

The partnership between Censortec Ireland,  Alfco Farm Services  & Cormac Tagging will bring the largest supplier of animal monitoring systems in Ireland, Alfco the largest supplier of drafting systems and Cormac Tagging which is Irelands number one supplier of animal identification together in a strategic partnership to offer Irish Dairy and Beef farmers the complete on farm management solution.

The three companies have built their reputations on providing technological solutions that make life easier for dairy farmers, through Censortec’s Nedap Cow Control heat detection, Alfco’s drafting gate systems and Cormac tagging identification solutions.

“You’re getting the global leader in heat detection and health monitoring systems partnered with the Irish leader in drafting gate systems and now also partnered with Irelands leader in identification. The farmer gets the benefit of the three systems and the benefit of expertise from the three suppliers,” says Donagh Crowley of Censortec.

“The companies have one very similar approach – it’s all about the farmer. We concentrate on supporting and continuously improving the farmer’s experience in using Censortec Nedap Control,  and Kieran & Declan at  Alfco have the very same approach when it comes to their products.” Says Donagh. “Cormac tagging has set the benchmark when it comes to the quality of there product , but more especially with the quality of there customer care, they are second to none when it comes to their relationship with Irish Farmers.”